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Our Narrated Online Course Bundles
Bundle...Communication FOCUS Course
Includes 2 eBooks and 15 online courses
The Communication FOCUS Bundle consists of 15 courses bundled with an eBook, eWorkbook, 750 narrated PowerPoint slides, 750 activity slides, and 250 test questions. Successful participants receive automatically produced certificates of completion. In addition, easy to remember quotes and concepts are intertwined with over 365 words uniquely defined by their acronyms to help individuals and team members develop and apply effective communication skills to help everyone get along better with themselves and others.
30 book hours, 30 online course hours, 60 total hours
BULLY Course Bundle
Includes the BULLY eBook and BULLY online course

The BULLY Book has the same content as our narrated online BULLY Course. The experience engages K-12 students, staff, parents, and community members with one 15-minute lesson per week for thirty-six weeks to help everyone learn how to get along with themselves and the people around them.
six hours of instruction
Click here to buy the eBook if you are not purchasing the bundle
Bundle...Refresh my SOUL - Source of Unconditional Love
Includes 2 eBooks and 9 online courses
This journey will help you realize your personal value while refreshing all of your relationships. You will learn the steps to develop a CANDO attitude while on your road to building a fulfilling life. These nine courses and two eBooks will enhance your self-respect and strengthen your hope for a brighter future for you and your loved ones.
18 book hours, 18 online course hours, 36 total hours
HOOKED Course Bundle
Includes the HOOKED eBook and HOOKED online course

This experience will help you determine if you or people you know are hooked on addiction. This unique self-reflective methodology provides tools to help you develop the desire to eliminate any of your undesirable habits, especially mind-altering chemicals. This course effectively engages individuals and is especially effective for peer-to-peer mentoring.
six hours of instruction.
Click here to buy the eBook if you are not purchasing the bundle
The De-escalation Bundle
“REACT with Integrity”

“REACT with Integrity”
The de-escalation bundle contains six narrated online courses, and both books in eBook formats: the textbook “Acronyms Building Character” and workbook “Character Building Acronyms.”
This Bundle provides communication tools and techniques to minimize conflicts and maximize cooperation.
Participants acquire self-talk tools to perpetually question;
“How can I REACT with Integrity?”
The six courses in this bundle form the title: “REACT with Integrity.”
Participants scoring 80% or better on each course test and the final REACT Bundle test instantly receive certificates for each course and the “REACT with Integrity” bundle. Twelve hours of instruction.
The Leadership/Teamwork Bundle
“I CARE about Teamwork.”

“I CARE about Teamwork.”
The Leadership/Teamwork Bundle contains six narrated online courses, and both books in eBook formats: the textbook “Acronyms Building Character” and the workbook “Character Building Acronyms.”
The six online courses of the Leadership/Teamwork Bundle are INTEGRITY, which delineates the details of leadership, COMMUNICATION, ATTITUDE, RESPECT, EMPOWERMENT and TEAMWORK.
Each course takes approximately two hours to complete. Participants scoring 80% or better on the final test for each course are immediately awarded an online successful completion certificate.
People scoring 80% or better on the final Leadership/Teamwork Bundle test immediately receive an online certificate for completing the bundle of “I CARE about Teamwork” courses. Twelve hours of instruction.
Our Narrated Online Courses
Communication FOCUS Course Bundle
Foundations Of Communication; Understanding Success
The full Communication FOCUS Bundle consists of 15 courses bundled into an eBook, eWorkbook, online activities containing 750 narrated PowerPoint slides, 750 quiz slides, and 250 test questions culminating in completion certificates. In addition, easy to remember quotes and concepts are intertwined with 365 words defined by their acronyms to help participants develop and apply effective communication skills. 60 hours of instruction.
The HOOKED Course Bundle
Includes the HOOKED eBook and HOOKED Online Course
This book and matching online course will help you determine if you or people you know are hooked on addiction. This unique self-reflective methodology provides tools to help you develop the desire to eliminate your undesirable habits, especially mind-altering chemicals. 6 hours of instruction.
BULLY Course Bundle
Includes the BULLY eBook and BULLY online course
Our BULLY Book and matching narrated BULLY computer course for ages 6-96 provides easy to remember tools and techniques to minimize bullying. The experience is designed to concurrently engage K-12 students, staff, parents, and community members with one ten minute lesson per week for 36 weeks. 6 hours of instruction
Bundle...Refresh my SOUL - Source of Unconditional Love
Includes 2 eBooks and 9 online courses
This journey will help you realize your personal value while refreshing all of your relationships. You will learn the steps to develop a CANDO attitude while on your road to building a fulfilling life. These nine courses and two eBooks will enhance your self-respect and strengthen your hope for a brighter future for you and your loved ones.
18 book hours, 18 online course hours, 36 total hours
Our Course Features
Experience 20
narrated computerized courses plus 4 books and 2 eBooks to help you learn how to get along with yourself and the people around you.
Balance your purpose, pleasure, and peace of mind to enable you to refine your personal vision to help you experience personal happiness.
Learn to change what needs to be changed by letting go of your past disappointments and discover tools to help you attain your future goals.
Enhance your vision of self-worth by redirecting harmful habits and risky behaviors to allow you to reach your potential.
Procure tools and techniques to help develop unity, morale, loyalty, and pride to minimize bullying by creating a culture of compassion and cooperation.
The narrated computerized courses can be customized with organizational information to fulfill specific needs.
Turn your stress into strengths by developing positive communication skills to empower others by leveraging your enhanced leadership skills.
Develop a culture of positive attitudes to help minimize self-abuse, hurtful rumors, gossiping, arguing, bullying, and violence.
Be introduced to hundreds of words defined by their acronyms and unique quotes woven through activities to help you apply effective communication skills.
Learn to apply over 400 positive self-talk words, defined by their acronyms, plus over 160 quotes to help you experience a fulfilling and happy life.
Our Course Features
Experience 18 online narrated courses and 4 books to help you learn how to get along with yourself and the people around you.
Balance your purpose, pleasure, and peace of mind to enable you to refine your personal vision to help you experience personal happiness.
Learn to change what needs to be changed by letting go of your past disappointments and discover tools to help you attain your future goals.
Enhance your vision of self-worth by redirecting harmful habits and risky behaviors to allow you to reach your potential and experience fulfillment.
Procure tools to help develop unity, morale, loyalty, and pride to minimize bullying while maximizing teamwork by creating a culture of compassion and cooperation.
All 18 online narrated course subscriptions are accessible world-wide on computers, tablets and smart phones. We suggest using the largest viewing screen available.
Turn your stress into strengths by developing positive communication skills to help you successfully empower others by learning to leverage your enhanced leadership skills.
Develop a positive culture that enhances feelings of belonging, being needed and being loved to minimize self-abuse, hurtful rumors, gossiping, arguing, bullying, fighting, and violence.
Be introduced to hundreds of words defined by their acronyms and unique quotes woven through activities to help you apply effective communication skills.
Enjoy learning to apply over 400 positive self-talk words, defined by their acronyms, plus over 160 easy to remember quotes to help you experience a fulfilling and happy life.
Books designed for FOCUS, ICARET, REACTI, BULLY, SOUL and HOOKED Courses.
Acronyms Building Character
The 15 chapters in this textbook contain stories, anecdotes, quotes, and light-hearted moments entwined amidst hundreds of words defined by their acronyms to help readers learn and apply effective communication skills.
(The eBook is Included in the FOCUS, SOUL, REACTI, and ICARET bundles.)
Character Building Acronyms
The unique exercises contained in the 15 chapters in the workbook help participants comprehend, discuss, practice and retain the course concepts to help everyone get along with themselves and the people around them.
(The eBook is included in the FOCUS, SOUL, REACTI, and ICARET bundles.)
Hooked on Addiction? Book
This experience helps people analyze if their lives are out of balance due to any kind of an addiction. This engaging book, a copy of the narrated online course, provides tools and techniques to help participants develop the desire to eliminate undesirable habits, especially mind-altering chemicals. Participants take a close look at their undesirable habits and determine how to establish safe boundaries to balance their lives.
(A HOOKED eBook is included in the HOOKED Course Bundle)
Bully Book
Minimize bullying with our BULLY activities book that matches our narrated online BULLY Course for ages 6-96 packed with easy to remember tools and techniques to engage all students, staff, parents, and community members. The 36 lessons help participants of all ages learn how to get along with themselves and the people around them.
(A BULLY eBook is Included in the BULLY Course Bundle)