Course Facilitation Guidelines


You will receive the greatest value from this unique experience if you closely adhere to these Facilitation Guidelines. Please feel free to visit our Frequently Asked Questions page for more valuable information. If you have additional questions, comments or concerns please send us an email via the Contact Page and we will respond within one business day.

Course Facilitation Guidelines

The narrated online courses offer adults and young adults effective communication skills to minimize conflicts and maximize successful teamwork. The methodology leverages activities containing easy to remember tools and techniques to improve cultures one person at a time. It is best for participants experiencing the FOCUS, ICARET, REACTI, and SOUL Bundles to read a chapter in the "Acronyms Building Character" textbook, complete the corresponding chapter in the "Character Building Acronyms" workbook, then enjoy the narrated online portion that adds an enhanced layer of learning to each course. The BULLY Book and HOOKED Books are nearly precise replicas of their narrated online courses. The narrated online BULLY and HOOKED courses contain many additional features. The courses can be shared in group settings with a facilitator leading the discussions after displaying each lesson. The narrated PowerPoint slides contain engaging questions to initiate in-depth discussions. The printed slide verbiage can be accessed by clicking on the "Notes" that are attached to the left of each slide. The facilitator has the option of playing the narration, reducing the volume and reading the narration aloud while the slide is functioning, and/or offering personal comments regarding the slides.

The courses benefit; executives, managers, educators, students, directors, military personnel, first responders, healthcare professionals, sales associates, families, individuals seeking self-help, front line employees, therapists, and inmates. In other words, individuals and teams seeking tools and techniques to minimize conflicts and maximize teamwork. In addition, the courses function perfectly in university, high school, and middle school curriculums.

Making Your Selection

The “Communication FOCUS Bundle” contains fifteen courses. The ICARET Bundle contains five courses. The REACTI Bundle contains six courses. The Refresh My SOUL Bundle contains nine courses. All of the bundles include the "Acronyms Building Character" eBook and the "Character Building Acronyms" eBook Workbook. The “BULLY and HOOKED Bundles” contain their corresponding eBooks and the narrated online courses. Sorry, the eBooks are not included when the narrated courses are ordered separately. You can procure the courses for groups by simply providing the number of course participants and you will receive that number of narrated courses plus sets of eBooks for everyone, if you order bundles. The courses will help everyone trying to achieve a HAPPY LIFE – Habits And Purpose Please You…Love Is For Everyone

Narrated Courses 

Participants receive access to our unique narrated online courses. Participants can easily share their newly discovered concepts with colleagues, friends, and family. The appendixes clearly indicate where 160 quotes and over 400 words, defined by their acronyms, are located: making it very convenient to cross-reference the information to easily share with others. As an example, “LEADER” is located in course number 13 (Integrity) on slide number 6. The appendix lists the slide this way; 13.6…LEADER – Leveraging Ethical Advantages; Delivering Expected Results! There is an additional appendix listing the locations of 160 unique quotes.

Course Organization

The “Communication FOCUS Bundle” consists of fifteen chapters in the textbook and the corresponding chapters in the workbook, plus narrated online experiences. Plan on approximately four hours per course to read a chapter in the textbook, complete the exercises in the workbook, and experience the narrated online learning. To sum it up; participants spend about four hours to complete each of the fifteen courses. This totals approximately sixty hours of involvement to successfully absorb all of our unique methodologies. Throughout the online courses, you will enjoy a master teacher narrating over 850 animated PowerPoint slides, with over 850 interactive activities solidifying the course concepts. Participants spend approximately one hour per week for sixteen months and the fifteen FOCUS Courses are easily completed. The BULLY course consists of 36 lessons designed to be taken over 36 weeks. Plan on a minimum of 15 minutes per week for the BULLY Course. The HOOKED Course takes approximately six hours to complete.

Participant Accountability

After participants complete all of the bundle's courses, they qualify for the bundle's final test consisting of different questions than the ten question quizzes. A score of eighty percent results in a certificate indicating that the participant has successfully completed the entire bundle. The certificates can be emailed for proof of successful course completion for potentially receiving credit, financial remuneration, et.

Read the books, complete the exercises, experience the online activities.

Perpetually practice applying the methodology throughout your daily interactions; FOCUS on improving your life!

WARNING…WARNING…WARNING…the tests are extremely challenging!

Navigating the Course

As previously mentioned, the courses are designed for participants to read the books, then experience the electronic portions. We suggest that you proceed through the FOCUS course in the “I CARE about Teamwork” order, Integrity, Communication, Attitude, Respect, Empowerment, and Teamwork. After completing the first six courses, in a group setting, potentially ask the participants to select the order of the remaining courses. Get ready…tough decisions…all of the courses are extremely popular. Taking the courses in numerical order also works very well…pay very close attention to the “Change Course.” If participants are totally against change the remaining courses will probably be a waste of time and resources!

Accessibility and Technical Support

The electronic portion is accessible on Personal Computers and mobile devices from our company website or possibly from individual organization's LMS (Learning Management System). We advocate employing the "Microsoft Edge Browser" to provide the optimum opportunity to access our courses. Make use of built-in speakers, remote speakers, earbuds, headphones, or share the methodology in group settings by projecting the courses onto a screen. Sorry…because of the intricacies of the text and graphics we do not recommend viewing the courses on smartphones. Please email us if you have any questions regarding technical details.

Selecting a "FOCUS Course Coach" to Facilitate Training

We recommend that organizations select an individual to serve as the educational “Coach.” The “Coach” might be a boss, manager, supervisor, HR representative, front line person, etc. The “Coach” can facilitate activities to ensure the newly learned concepts are successfully implemented to improve the organizational culture. The “Coach” can also be the liaison with the C3 Crew. It is very important for the “Coach” to display their desire that the course material becomes entwined in the fabric of your organization’s culture. The “Coach” might form a committee to assist in implementing the methodology to improve the organization’s bottom line!

Exercising Minds is Much Like Physical Exercise

You will receive maximum benefits by becoming thoroughly engaged in our courses much like physical exercise improves your physical conditioning. Exercises provide benefits in direct correlation to the amount of time and effort put forth. Our courses provide benefits in direct correlation to the amount of time and effort put forth. The more thoroughly the methodology is applied, the more value individuals and organizations will receive from the experience. Use it or lose it!

Applying the Methodology

The intrinsic value of the courses is how the methodology can be integrated into all aspects of organizational communications. Group members can select a word, quote, concept, or idea for the day, week, or month. The honor of selecting the inspiration can be shared by asking the person who made the most recent selection to pick the next person who will be choosing the next word, quote, or concept. Everyone can reinforce the selected word, quote, or concept by incorporating the methodology in personal interactions, meetings, emails, texts, posters, social media, screen savers, newsletters, bulletins, etc.

Team competitions can enhance how the methodology creates long-lasting organizational improvements. Individuals can use the goals forms to submit their suggestions for organizational improvements and awards can be provided for the most beneficial ideas. Awards might be presented for; members scoring the highest on tests, who can recite the most acronyms and/or quotes by memory, which group has done the best job of applying their new concepts, which group has created the most impact by applying the methodology to the entire organization, which individual has experienced the most improvement, the most unique improvement, etc., etc., etc.?

Activating Goals for Improvement

The courses contain exercises to establish goals and how to transform the vision of those goals into action plans. The “Coach” can compile and share the envisioned goals and action plans. Participants become empowered to develop clear and concise action plans to maximize their efforts.

Obtaining and Sharing the Copyrighted Methodology

The books and narrated online courses are protected by stringent copyright laws. Please respect our decades of research and development by abiding by the copyright explanations in the books and the narrated courses. Please contact us if you have questions regarding our copyrighted materials.

Course Guarantee

We guarantee that applying our methodology, learned as prescribed, will provide tools and techniques to improve individual habits and communication skills to minimize conflicts, and maximize teamwork. Please contact us within 30 days of purchasing the course(s) if the material fails to provide tools and techniques to improve you and/or your organization. We will be very happy to address your concerns and potentially provide an adjustment.