Online Courses


Effective Communication Minimizes Conflict Maximizes Teamwork

Our books and narrated online courses

can be ordered separately or in economical bundles.

Bully Online Course

HOOKED Online Course


Teaching Empowerment

Online Course


Coping with Heartache...FREE


The FOCUS Course Bundle

Includes ABC eBook, CBA eWorkbook and 15 Online Courses

The FOCUS Bundle ($556 savings) includes these 15 courses.

Courses may also be purchased individually.

Course 1

Course 2

Course 3

Course 4

Course 5

Course 6

Course 7

Course 8

Course 9

Course 10

Course 11
Self Worth

Course 12

Course 13

Course 14

Course 15

Effective Communication Minimizes Conflict Maximizes Teamwork

Our products can be ordered separately or in economical bundles.
We offer books, eBooks and narrated online courses.

Bully Online Course

Teaching Empowerment

Online Course

HOOKED Online Course

Coping with Heartache Online Course

The FOCUS Course Bundle

Includes ABC eBook, CBA eWorkbook and 15 Online Courses

The FOCUS Course Bundle includes the 15 courses below.

Courses may be purchased individually.

Course 1

Course 5

Course 9

Course 13

Course 2

Course 6

Course 10

Course 14

Course 3

Course 7

Course 11
Self Worth

Course 15

Course 4

Course 8

Course 12

The Leadership/Teamwork Bundle.... “I CARE about Teamwork.”

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“I CARE about Teamwork.”

The Leadership/Teamwork Bundle contains six narrated online courses, and both books in eBook formats: the textbook “Acronyms Building Character” and the workbook “Character Building Acronyms.”

The six online courses of the Leadership/Teamwork Bundle are INTEGRITY, which delineates the details of leadership, COMMUNICATION, ATTITUDE, RESPECT, EMPOWERMENT and TEAMWORK.

Each course takes approximately two hours to complete. People scoring 80% or better on the final Leadership/Teamwork Bundle test immediately receive an online certificate for completing the twelve-hour training for the bundle of “I CARE about Teamwork” courses.

The Leadership/Teamwork Bundle “I CARE about Teamwork.”

INTEGRITY - Individuals Never Trust Evil; Golden Rule Inspires Their Years. This module is packed with leadership tools and techniques to help you analyze how to improve your leadership skills. You will be asked to analyze; “Is your word good; are you honest, can you be trusted?” You will learn to help others achieve their goals by becoming an enviable role model. You will learn to turn conflicts into inspirational opportunities by practicing impeccable integrity. You will acquire strategies to enhance and retain respect by displaying personal traits that team members wish to emulate. You will learn the steps required to lead by example.

COMMUNICATION - Creating Only Manageable Methods Understanding Negative Innuendos Carefully And Teaming Individuals On Needs. Learn effective methods of successfully sharing important information in a positive manner. Discover what information should be shared and how to endure unfair criticism. Learn how to squelch harmful rumors and redirect emotionally charged communications by empowering others with positive communication tools.

ATTITUDE - All Terrific Thoughts Incorporate The Unrelenting Desire for Excellence…Always Trying To Improve Takes Unswerving Dedication Everyday. Learn steps to emulate positive role models and avoid negativity that can evolve into bullying, harassment, conflicts, retaliation, and violence. Learn how to redirect negative comments and what to do if you are unfairly harassed or threatened. Learn to state facts and avoid personal attacks in challenging situations to effectively communicate with a positive approach.

RESPECT - Recognizing Everyone’s Strengths Produces Exceptional Caring Teams. Develop techniques to build on the strengths of team members and support staff. Learn acceptable methods of circumventing inappropriate reactions to de-escalate emotionally charged situations. Recognize and fulfill responsibilities rather than inappropriately placing blame. Learn how to deflect insults and circumvent insulting others to enhance cooperation and productivity.

EMPOWERMENT - Everyone Manages Productive Opportunities With Each Response, Mending Every Negative Thought. Learn how to develop listening skills to become a more effective catalyst for building on strengths of team members and to seek forgiveness by effectively apologizing. Learn to approach persuasion from the wants and needs of others by employing the seven Cs of sales. Study how sales is teaching, and teaching is sales to minimize conflicts by empowering others to seek success in a positive manner.

TEAMWORK - Tolerance Empowers All Members; Wisdom Offers Renewed Kindness. Recognize that teams are formed anytime two or more people interact. Discover how to employ effective verbal tools and visual signals to successfully persuade people to submit to your desires. Discover how to avoid unnecessary arguments and effectively control emotions while redirecting actions to enable productive cooperation. Learn to employ the six steps of conflict resolution and study the five steps of the flow formula to facilitate successful interactions to form, develop, and maintain cohesive teams.

The De-escalation Bundle........ “REACT with Integrity”


                                         “REACT with Integrity”

The de-escalation bundle contains six narrated online courses, and both books in eBook formats: the textbook “Acronyms Building Character” and workbook “Character Building Acronyms.”

This provides communication tools and techniques to minimize conflicts and maximize cooperation.

Participants acquire self-talk tools to perpetually question;

“How can I REACT with Integrity?”

The six courses in this bundle form the title: “REACT with Integrity.”


Each course takes approximately two hours to complete. Participants scoring 80% or more on the test for each course are immediately awarded an online successful completion certificate.

People scoring 80% or better on the final REACT Bundle test instantly receive a certificate for completing the twelve-hour training for the bundle of “REACT with Integrity” courses.

The De-escalation Bundle “REACT with Integrity”

REACT – Respect Everyone Always Control Tension. Develop techniques to build on the strengths of team members. Learn acceptable methods of circumventing inappropriate reactions. Recognize and fulfill responsibilities rather than inappropriately placing blame. Learn how to deflect insults and circumvent insulting others to avoid conflicts

EMPOWERMENT - Everyone Manages Productive Opportunities With Each Response, Mending Every Negative Thought. Learn how to develop listening skills to help you become a more effective catalyst for redirecting unacceptable behavior. Learn to approach persuasion from the wants and needs of others by employing the 7 Cs of sales. Study how sales is teaching, and teaching is sales to minimize harassment, arguing, fighting, and conflict which develops into violence

ATTITUDE - All Terrific Thoughts Incorporate The Unrelenting Desire for Excellence. Learn steps to emulate positive role models and avoid negativity that can develop into harmful interactions. Learn how to redirect negative comments and what to do if you are unfairly criticized and verbally attacked. Learn to state facts and avoid personal attacks to effectively communicate in a positive manner that influences cooperation.

COMMUNICATION - Creating Only Manageable Methods Understanding Negative Innuendos Carefully And Teaming Individuals On Needs. Learn effective methods of successfully sharing important information in a positive manner. Discover what information should be shared and how to endure criticism. Learn how to squelch rumors and redirect failed communications

TEAMWORK - Tolerance Empowers All Members; Wisdom Offers Renewed Kindness. Recognize that teams are formed, under any circumstance, when two or more people interact together. Discover how to employ effective verbal tools and visual signals to successfully persuade volitive people to cooperate. Discover how to avoid unnecessary arguments and effectively control emotions while redirecting actions to enable cooperation. Learn to employ the six steps of conflict resolution and study the five steps of the flow formula to facilitate successful interactions in volatile situations.

INTEGRITY - Individuals Never Trust Evil; Golden Rule Inspires Their Years. Is your word good; are you honest, can you be trusted? Learn to lead others by inspiring them to achieve by becoming an enviable role model. Learn to turn conflicts into inspirational opportunities by displaying impeccable integrity. Review how leaders gain and retain respect by displaying traits that others wish to emulate. The first letters of the chapter titles in "Acronyms Building Character" and "Character Building Acronyms" spell the word: CHARACTERISTICS, there isn't an "L" in that word for the module that delineates "Leadership." Now you know why the leadership details are encompassed in INTEGRITY...Enjoy!

Bundle...Refresh my SOUL, Includes 2 eBooks and 9 online courses



This experience offers you the opportunity to reboot how you feel about yourself and your relationships. You will thoroughly analyze your current existence and discover easy to remember tools and techniques to redirect your self-imposed darkness to experience true happiness and fulfillment. It is best to read the bundle’s chapters in “Acronyms Building Character” and review the chapters in “Character Building Acronyms” before experiencing the life-changing online modules. It takes about eighteen hours of book work and about eighteen hours of online instruction to refresh a new you.

CHANGE - Certain Habits Always Negatively Ground Everyone. This module assists you in analyzing what you feel should change to help balance your purpose, pleasure, and peace of mind.

 ACHIEVEMENT - Always Cooperate Honest Individuals Ensure Victory Eventually, Making Every Notion True. Learn how to pursue your visions thus creating an identity based on your accomplishments.

CHOICES - Citizens Have Opportunities In Commitment’n Every Situation.  Learn that every human interaction ideally involves a decision of what helps or hurts you and others. Discover methods of determining right from wrong to help you on a new path in your life.

HONESTY - Helping Others Notice Every Situation Truthfully. Learn how to be honest with yourself and ensure honesty from others. Discover if honesty is always the best policy and how to endure dishonesty.

TRUST - To Rely Upon Someone’s Tenacity. Learn how to develop faith in your ability to accomplish stressful tasks. Learn how to envision situations in advance to quantify the risks involved.

RELATIONSHIPS - Realizing Every Love Allows Truth In Our Normal Situations. Helping Individuals Proclaim Self-Worth. Learn to live, love and let go. Learn how to be responsible for your own actions and how to convince others to follow your example.

INSPIRE - Individuals Need Support Philosophically In Reaching Expectations. Study the value of faith in reaching goals. Formulate your rules of life to help you attain personal happiness and peace of mind.

SELF-WORTH - Securing Esteem Lessens Fear; Working Offers Respect, Triggering Happiness. Learn to recognize and appreciate your personal value. Eliminate fears by recognizing life’s joys.

SUCCESS - Seek Understanding Carefully; Character Eventually Sows Satisfaction. Learn to perpetually overcome the pain of past failures while applying the steps to reach your goals.